I feel like my house is too messy for an indoor session...
Littles are meant to play and homes are meant to be lived in! It’s easy to get ourselves caught up in feeling like we aren’t worthy of something because the images we see on the internet look so perfect and immaculate.
Guess what? Most of the pristine images you see online are staged.
Toys are hidden away, clutter is shoved in a drawer somewhere, certain books/decor gets moved to a different location to portray a life that’s vastly different from the everyday… and there’s nothing wrong with doing that, except it isn’t real life.
Storytelling sessions tell your story; they encapsulate what’s happening in your life now… and maybe that now is a little hectic.
Here's a perfect example of the almost constant state of my coffee table...
Abandoned artwork, cups, water bottles, legos, books, etc. ALL. THE. TIME.
My house is far from magazine worthy. I have two curious and creative boys and an insanely energetic boxer. Couple all of that with a recent move, where I still haven’t found a home for everything, and you’ve got some chaos. Do I move stuff in the background when I want to capture certain memories? I sure do! I can do that at your house, too. Do I sometimes make sure that the background will be blurry enough that you won’t be able to tell what’s happening back there? Yup! There’s nothing wrong with it.
I won’t be looking back in 10 years, when my boys are getting ready to venture out on their own, and think about the “mess.” I’ll be looking back and remembering how little they were, how curious they were, how amazing their imagination and creativity was. Those are the things that matter most.
Life moves too fast to worry about a messy house.
My kitchen is "messy"... did you notice? Probably not, right?
The focus here isn't on the things on the counter, the stuff on the stove, or the randomness on top of the fridge. The focus is on my child: learning, creating, exploring.
The photographs we have tell our stories, they hold our memories and our feelings. The prints I have of my boys baking (there's a whole little series of it!) will be cherished for the rest of my life. They will let me peak back to when they were this little, to when they were learning to be more independent, to when they were learning life skills.
This is what I will be providing for you as well: beautiful, tangible memories that you can look back on time and time again.